          Why "佛.Far" can have right "Jay.Shock"? Because: 1. "佛.Man.Zi.Deed" "Jay.Sir", no way to commit the crime of sin.2. "True.Job.Ren" must think themselves "Jway.孽.Sheng.重" (That how 喇嘛教 is Chinese 天主教, Chinese must make it different from Vatican, because Chinese evilest and good mankind both can see the point that the more power you own, the more authority you own, the more force you own, the simpler life 情趣用品you have to live, the less freedom you must stand; and also Chinese evilest and good woman must be individual living by herself, not mention those less evil less good; that how Chinese woman must have no way like real white woman to line up work together like Mother Teresa team can; therefore, when Chinese woman group together must mean they all "Jway.孽.Sheng. 酒店經紀重" [That how sister and brother or dad and daughter can or may go out together freely, mother must not travel or shopping along with her grown up daughter without companied by a man who can care or love anyone of them more than his own life. That how parents divorced, the daughter must leave to dad instead of mom, so that the dad can care his daughter before she is married o 東森房屋r after she divorced; in the case the dad unable or unwant to care the daughter, the daughter may live along with mom, but both of them must have to stay inside their own garden house until one of them can have a man come to their place and find out himself love or care any one of them more than his own life. That may explain how come Chinese classic family used to have immediate blood tie live under t 景觀設計he same big roof, and share the same big kitchen, so that the single mother can have a easier way to live along with her daughter or raise up under aged child or children. ] must have to starve to die or be killed rather sooner than later.) lost right to kill anyone worse than them, not mention to love anyone worse than them. Because "佛.Man.Zi.Deed" can have that self-esteem to keep pure virgin to live that simplest nat 裝潢ural poor life, therefore, after he dies, he does not need to be forced to enter birth cycle but become precious stone that Chinese called "玉"; for those virgin like Leslie 張 who pointing finger to others orally wordly instead of doing "Tea.Ten.Sin.Dow" duty to kill, his pure virgin can only deserve him to become rock to fall or cast. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Man needs to k 酒店經紀now that he does not kill, he has no way to be better than God; if man cannot be better than God, Mother Natural must rather have your Earth be burned down completely than watch any life "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" that how you need to kill that sucking shameless cold cold hard "Xu.Mean" who showing up on 今晚誰當家 20110524 神奇! 明星催眠實錄大揭秘?(今晚誰當家-20110524-神奇!-明星催眠實錄大揭秘?/) along with all animals slaved cont 宜蘭民宿rolled by him; and kill Taiwan government official who allow him to have boxed jailed so many most innocent rabbits to display his sucking show to make money to fool sucking "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" to follow his crime of "lie of slavery and control" that most invisibly way. 催眠? Chinese sucker already showed better than you sucking Western suckers that called "Me.When.Shoot" long long time ago. You want to please any innocent kids eyes and ears? Kill all your Taiwan government and all 宜蘭民宿cement paved building to bring all your Formosa natural soiled beauty back, and not to allow anyone to force any kid to know how to read and write.How about the writer of "Many Lives, Many Masters" showed? That's a "Wheel.Gwon.Fun.照" that Ghost tooled to tell you human how "Only Love" matters. Not mention that writer who wrote "Many Lives, Many Masters" only taken sick weak wicked persons who can go to his place to talk and leave freely, that writer does not box or jail anyone under his slav 居酒屋e or control in any way. Had that sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard "Xu.Mean" indeed truly loves those animals raised by him, he would care no one but stay along with all his animals not to be touched by anyone else in any way as long as he can still strong enough to hold himself up, not mention to allow anyone to abuse that sucking "催眠.Shoot" to slave control anyone of his beloved animals.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 591  .

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